When you don’t have the extra cash for that emergency which occurred in the middle of the month, when getting instant cash is hard to do, MBC Finance is here for you. Our cash loans enable you to experience and afford the simple essentials in life. Especially in a time of financial strain and economical struggle, a cash loan is a reasonable option. In the world which we live in today, a world ruled by the internet, everything is a click away. Conveniently, so are our cash loans at MBC Finance. Applying for a loan at MBC Finance is a simple, fast and effective process. There is no dreaded endless paper trail waiting for you, no sitting on the telephone for hours waiting to speak to someone or wasting trips coming into the office. Our service is entirely online and hassle free. Simply fill in our online application form, and we will get back to you. Or, if you need to speak to us directly, give us your details on our contact form, and we will contact you. It only takes a few minutes for your cash loan to get approved at MBC Finance, provided that all your supported documents are in order. These documents include:
- Copy of ID Document
- Latest Payslip
- Latest Three Month Bank Statement
- Proof of Residence
All these documents can be uploaded on our website. Your application will then be evaluated almost immediately, and you will be notified of the outcome. Once you are approved, you will have instant cash deposited into your bank account.
Short Term Cash Loan
Our short term loans are available, because we don’t want to keep you in debt. Our short term loans are affordable, making repayment achievable and easy to meet. The short period allows you to stress less.
Payday Loans
Our payday loans allow you to borrow cash for a short time period against your next salary. Our payday loans are a bridge to short term cash you need between salaries.
Repayment is made simple and convenient for you. Repayment installment amounts are based on the term loan you choose to take. There is no need for you to come in every month to make payment, we simply debit your bank account monthly on your day of pay. Your monthly installment is fixed, which means it will never change, even if the interest rate does. Our monthly installments consist of an initiation fee, service fee, and interest rate. Our fees include VAT and installments depend on how long you take your loan for. Installments are smaller over a longer period, and bigger over a shorter period but will cost you less ultimately.
Failure to make Payment
The only way the cost of your loan will increase is if you skip your installments. Continued failure to repay a loan will result in your credit bureau records being affected negatively, which will stay on record for a period of time.
Approved Loan
If your loan application has been approved by MBC Finance, you will be notified via email. If you are happy with the offer, your loan contract will then be emailed to you, which you will have to sign and return via email. The money will then immediately be transferred into your bank account.
Credit Check
MBC Finance is a unique lender, as there is no need to fax documents or sit on the phone for hours. Application, payment and repayment are entirely online because we thrive to be one step ahead. Our sophisticated credit reference system, enable us to tell the good from the bad. We carry out a credit check as a part of the application process, this will reflect an improvement in your credit history when you pay MBC Finance. That’s because MBC Finance informs our credit bureau partner of your trustworthy behaviour with any prompt payment.
We’re different
MBC Finance chooses to be different from other lenders. There’s no endless paperwork, no unnecessary phone calls, because our service is available online – simple and convenient cash loans.